Our Mission

Azure Leadership Group aims to help clients and their teams in key moments:

  • Create, support and grow inclusive, healthy organizational cultures, because a strong culture is at the core of all great, high-performing organizations

  • Develop and use their own confident, inclusive leadership abilities, so teams can grow, thrive, and achieve success

  • Communicate with openness, authenticity, clarity, and precision, so teams can work to their maximum potential.

Key moments

We focus on working with leaders and teams in the most critical moments:

  • Starting on the right foot: New leaders, new managers, new roles, culture creation

  • Making the first big jump: Inflection points, changing strategies, evolving mission and values, culture evolution

  • Getting to scale: Rapidly growing and changing organizations, culture evolution and maintenance

  • International expansion, global operations

  • Crisis

Our CORE beliefs

1. The world needs more great leaders in organizations and communities around the planet.  We need leaders with a mix of clear vision and the right values and instincts to help us write the story of humanity's future.

2. The most successful companies maintain vibrant cultures, effective, open communications and quality of work through periods of change.

3. Everyone has the potential to be a great leader, a strong communicator, and deserves to be a part of a vibrant culture. There is no higher calling than helping people be the best leaders they can be for themselves and the systems in which they operate, in any context.

4. Great leaders are optimistic, visionary, inclusive, and openThe best leaders communicate with clarity, openness, and consistency. Without good communications, you can’t be a good leader, and can’t have an open, inclusive culture.

5. Self-reflection, curiosity, empathy, and good listening are core competencies that all good leaders constantly practice. Being willing to do the work on yourself so you can do better work unlocks great potential and yields impressive results.

6. The strongest cultures have great leaders at the top, at the bottom, and throughout the organization, and they are open and inclusive

7. The most successful organizations invest in leadership development, culture, and communications early and often. 

8. The currency of culture is community, and stories and in-person connections are how we motivate and inspire each other.

9. There's no substitute for personal, human interaction and empathy. Technology and communications have changed, professions and politics have evolved, but the desire each of us has to be heard and acknowledged by others is unchanging. Respect and kindness matter more today than ever.

10. Communications is at the root of most major leadership challenges, opportunities, and inclusive cultures.

Why Azure? 

ˈaZHər: "bright blue in color, like a cloudless sky." Azure represents expansiveness, unbounded optimism, true clarity, and limitless, unobscured opportunity. In many traditions, the color blue is associated with communications: for example, the color blue is used to depict the throat chakra, or the core of clear communication within all of us. It's also associated with the qualities of steadiness, steadfastness, calm and confidence.

Everyone across time and geography can relate to a truly clear blue sky. For many, it conveys a sense of openness, positivity and unbounded, unobscured optimism. These are the qualities that make excellent leaders, vibrant cultures, and effective communications.